Iowa-CREATES and MATFab landing

Welcome to the Iowa Center for Research, Exploration, and Advanced Technology in Engineering and Sciences (Iowa-CREATES), which houses the Materials Analysis, Testing, and Fabrication (MATFab) facility.

Located in the Iowa Advanced Technology Laboratory, the Iowa-CREATES and MatFab bring together under one roof the most modern, sophisticated equipment that faculty and staff in the physical sciences and engineering need to conduct cutting-edge research.

MATFab in Focus
[Optional. Suggested, (ir)regularly updated researcher/equipment spotlight series focusing on faculty or staff doing interesting research in the space and/or on the equipment available—capabilities, successful work accomplished on it, etc., as a way to illustrate what’s possible in the space. Current (or just archival) profiles could live on the VPR Website.]

[Optional: Hand-curated list of upcoming special events, either at/sponsored by the facility, or related to its use.]